Hadoop: Implementing the Tool interface for MapReduce driver

Hadoop: Implementing the Tool interface for MapReduce driver


Most of people usually create their MapReduce job using a driver code that is executed though its static main method. The downside of such implementation is that most of your specific configuration (if any) is usually hardcoded. Should you need to modify some of your configuration properties on the fly (such as changing the number of reducers), you would have to modify your code, rebuild your jar file and redeploy your application. This can be avoided by implementing the Tool interface in your MapReduce driver code.

Hadoop Configuration

By implementing the Tool interface and extending Configured class, you can easily set your hadoop Configuration object via the GenericOptionsParser, thus through the command line interface. This makes your code definitely more portable (and additionally slightly cleaner) as you do not need to hardcode any specific configuration anymore.

Let’s take a couple of example with and without the use of Tool interface.

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